The BFarm smart-contract provides the opportunity to invest any amount in BNB (at minimum 0.05 BNB) in the contract and get 112% to 292% return on investment in 14 to 28 days if the contract balance has enough funds for payment.
Date Launched: 30.03.2021 at 12:00:00 GMT +0000
Public on BscScan and audited smart-contract available for your reference by HazeCrypto!
Basic Interest Rate: +0.3% every 24 hours - only for new deposits, plan length reduces -0.25 days every day
Minimal Deposit: 0.05 BNB, no maximal limit!
Earnings every moment, withdraw any time (if you use capitalization of interest you can withdraw only after the end of your deposit or anytime before at 50% penalty).
Website updates (ongoing):
1) Cancel Button
2) Cancel Specific Plan Button
3) Display End Time and Date