• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Crypto Command

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The Rise of THEOFFICIALMAGACOIN: A New Presale RecordTHEOFFICIALMAGACOIN attracted over $1,500,000 at presale, becoming one of the most promising crypto assets of 2025.
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$TRUMP Meme Coin Prospects: Bounce or New Expectations?$TRUMP coin spiked to $17, raising interest in recovery potential. Is a return to $30 feasible?
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Crypto Market News: Mantra Rises, Fetch.ai Falls, BlockDAG Pre-sale SuccessCrypto Update: Mantra (OM) shows growth, Fetch.ai (FET) declines, while BlockDAG's presale sets records.
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2 minutes ago

What is Crypto Command?

CryptoCommand is the first global strategy game on Blockchain. Create a new world order and invade other nations to build an empire. It is a game of cunning where your armies are smart contract tokens. With only a limited number ever produced watch their value sky rocket! You can buy army units and deploy them to defend your own country or invade other countries. You can group together with other players to ensure you have the largest Empire on the planet. Move between attack and defence any time you wish, making sure you don’t over-extend yourself and leave your nation open to attack.

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