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  • 30d volume: $303.26B
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GolFinance - a football project on the blockchain logo

GolFinance - a football project on the blockchain

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What is GolFinance - a football project on the blockchain?

GolFinance — a football-themed DEFI ecosystem that aims to create a comprehensive solution for maximum profitability, security and earnings on the blockchain.


GolFinance - dapp.expert

About the GolFinance project

It is a football-themed ecosystem and DeFi protocol that aims to create a comprehensive solution to maximize user revenue while providing a safe, fast and low gas fee. The platform integrates with other third-party DApps to generate income, using various Yield-Farming and Lending protocols.

GolFinance — a comprehensive ecosystem that includes the following DeFi and GameFi features:

1. GolToken.
2. GolNFTs.
3. GolPlay.
4. GolSwapGolFarm.
5. GolVaults.

GolToken is the core of the entire GolFinance ecosystem. Deflationary tokenomics, scarcity, buybacks (for redistribution and liquidity), burning are some of the features of $GOL, making it the core of the protocol’s incentive mechanisms.

Gol Genesis NFTs (also known as GG NFTs) — the most valuable asset in the entire GolFinance ecosystem and its purpose — to raise funding for the initial development of the project. GG NFT holders will be eligible for assistance and many benefits in the various functions of Gol Finance and its partners.

To get started with GolFinance, the first thing you need to do - set up a wallet that supports Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Wallets are available on both desktop computers and smartphones. You will need to choose the wallet that best suits your needs.

olFinance differs from other DApps in that it is the first yield aggregator with automatic football-themed interest accrual without permission. This allows us to offer users low gas fees and instant transactions. GolFinance is also the only yield aggregator in the entire blockchain that includes an NFT-based financial game.

More about defi app

GolFinance will include the Football Soccer NFT game. In the game, users can create their own soccer team and compete against each other to earn $GOL. The main NFT mining income factors are determined by the statistics of each NFT. NFT players accumulate experience points which increase $GOL production.

NFT players can be grouped into a full team to compete in matches, leagues and tournaments.GolFinance

GolPower determines the odds of winning a match or tournament and is calculated, based on skill points and the GolPower bonus multiplier. A higher GOLPower does not mean you will win matches or tournaments automatically, it just increases your chances of winning.

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