Meta Spatial dapp
Meta Spatial
Category: Game Blockchain: BNB Chain Language: English Platform: Web

Meta Spatial — game universe with VR

Meta Spatial — a Metaverse virtual universe, developed by Spatial Studio. MetaSpatial is inspired by science fiction novels. The Spatial Universe - an unlimited superuniverse, where spaces are connected to each other through the Spatial Portal.


Meta Spatial  -

About the MetaSpatial project

Spatial Studio will build fantastic spaces step by step by learning from the community, especially the DAO community. MetaSpatial will provide users with the most authentic experience by creating an unlimited number of different spaces and using XR, a virtual reality and augmented reality technology in the MetaSpatial ecosystem.

As a member, you will have the freedom to create digital assets (non-fungible tokens or NFTs), upload them to the market to experience different spaces. Meta Spatial also aims to bring blockchain into the mainstream game, engaging both crypto gamers and non-crypto gamers, offering the benefits of real ownership, digital scarcity, monetization opportunities and interoperability. It is an endless metaverse with many spaces, created and connected to each other through the Spatial Portal. MetaSpatial is developing two testing phases: the first - the Meta Spatial Moon and the second - the Meta Spatial Galaxy. The next development milestones will be confirmed and determined by the DAO community.

Meta Spatial Moon This is a fictional space where gamers will experience a living space with many historical and modern character themes in epic map perspectives. In addition, gamers can participate in the battle royale arena and earn money from battles and land ownership.
Meta Spatial — Galaxy This is a space adventure, inspired by the movie Star Wars. In MetaSpatial, Galaxy gamers can own spaceships and planets through the NFT system and experience vibrant space travel.

The Spatial Portal - a hallway where gamers can enter the MetaSpatial ecosystem space through associated portals. Players can interact, visit NFT markets and join metaspace activities. To create a true Metaverse universe, the developers are integrating a market into the Spatial Portal, and gamers can visit stores to select items they like instead of scrolling and clicking through boring regular websites.

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Spatial Maker — a software in the MetaSpatial ecosystem that allows players to create assets in the MetaSpatial universe freely. Although Spatial Maker does not require any programming or design skills, you also need to be proficient in graphics and fine arts in order to create your unique assets. Users will have to pay a fee in SPAT to create NFT symbols through Spatial Maker.

Spatial Wallet — a wallet, developed on the blockchain network and used to store NFT tokens and assets.Meta Spatial

It is integrated into the game and creates absolute comfort in the game, without requiring the player to manipulate the wallet throughout the game. Spatial Wallet provides a supervisory wallet mechanism that allows players to schedule synchronization with the blockchain network, which will help players to optimize gas fees. You can find out about future updates of the project through the RoadMap. The smart contract doesn't have an audit.

Dapps Meta Spatial
Dapp Meta Spatial
Meta Spatial dapps

Meta Spatial — game universe with VR Statistics

24 hr: 0
Total: 21.575
(2400 days)
ATH: 4.350
(Nov 5, 2021)
24 hr: 0
Total: 0
(2400 days)
ATH: 0
(Nov 6, 2021)
24 hr: 0
Total: 25.923
(2400 days)
ATH: 4.674
(Nov 5, 2021)

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