• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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My Hero

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What is My Hero?

My Hero — a game, powered by the Binance blockchain. Players can summon hero characters and upgrade them by fighting monsters and upgrading them to earn rewards and benefits. According to legend, there is an island on the other side, and the richest resource of this island - cryptocurrency. One day, monsters invaded the island to rob it. It's time to join the game and protect the world.


My Hero

About My Hero

In this game, users can summon characters and use them to fight. There are currently 20 hero characters with 5 different roles. There are five professions in total: Warrior, Knight, Magician, Bowman and Threves. To participate, first of all, you need a wallet that supports Coin Smartchain (BSC). Prepare a certain amount of BNB for gas fees and get at least 1 hero. Finally, you can summon hero characters and challenge the boss to earn in-game rewards. If there is no hero, you cannot start earning.

At the beginning, the summoned characters are at level 1. You need to consume potions to level up your hero.Developers

The higher the level of the Hero, the higher the level of the potion, required for subsequent improvements. The level - one of the most important attributes of the hero, since earnings depend on it. To improve heroes of different rarity, different potions are required.

Game features:

1 There are hundreds of heroes and more than 20 types of rich professions in the game! You can select legendary heroes in each game to start fierce battles on the battlefield.
2 Lead your heroes into battles and get rewards, Hero NFT assets from the game and other achievements.
3 Trade your NFT on the market or use these assets to maximize profits with DeFi features such as NFT mortgages, lending and collateral.

For every 1000 Treasure Chest Pieces, 1 Treasure Chest can be synthesized. Use the treasure chest to get heroes and potions.

Other features of the crypto new project

When the Hero leaves the fight, he will automatically start fighting monsters, and every time you defeat 5 small monsters, you can start challenging the Boss. Each call to the Boss requires the expenditure of 1 energy. The challenge will be deducted regardless of victory or defeat. After the test is completed, the number of small monsters is reset to zero and the countdown starts again. Victory and defeat will reward you with treasure chest pieces and valuable experience. The site has a brief description of the project. The smart contract has not been audited yet.

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