• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Raven the Game

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What is Raven the Game?

Raven the Game – a money game, currently available on Google Play. You can play the game from your Android phone or from the site. There is also a token with the same name. It helps to reward players. Each week, the game's top scorers receive $RTG. You can earn money by playing a simple crypto game.


Raven the Game

About Raven the Game

The $RTG token has some special properties inside its contract to increase its price after launch and reward its holders. The $RTG token - a token that generates its own liquidity. This means that even if every $RTG holder sells their tokens, the liquidity will never be 0, so the price can never be 0.

Every transaction that goes directly into the liquidity pool is subject to a 3% tax.Raven the Game

There is another feature, called reflection. It means placing bets automatically without having to bind your money to anything for a while. With this type of betting, you are in control of your investment and are not required to hold it for any length of time in order to receive a reward. You can buy and sell whenever you want and still enjoy the benefits of passive income. As long as you keep $RTG tokens in your wallet, they will multiply.

Project features:

1 Top scorers will receive tokens every week.
2 Compatible with all Android devices and further launch on IOS.
3 Leaderboard, updated every week.

To earn $RTG tokens, simply enter your wallet alias and address on the screen that appears when you hit a high score. You will receive your reward at the end of the week.

More about defi gaming app

The site has a full description of the site, tokenomics, rules of work and much more. The RoadMap notes future updates.

From social networks, the community leads:

  • twitter;
  • telegram.

The InterFi network audit process is comprehensive and covers a wide range of token code characteristics. The main thing that audits check for are vulnerabilities and inevitable risks to the safety and security of the code. InterFi Network conducts an extensive audit process to help its clients improve code quality while reducing the high level of risk, associated with cryptographic tokens and blockchain technology.

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