• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M


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Sony Announces Launch of Soneium Blockchain Platform on MainnetSony unveiled the Soneium blockchain platform on the mainnet for revolutionizing solutions across industries.
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9 minutes ago

Ethereum Faces Changes While PEPETO Prepares for LaunchEthereum is forecasted for growth, as new memecoin PEPETO prepares to enter the market.
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11 minutes ago

Sigma Capital Announced $100M Fund Launch to Promote Web3 GloballySigma Capital launches a new $100M fund to support Web3 innovations in UAE and worldwide, including DeFi and asset tokenization.
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13 minutes ago

What is Taiga?

Taiga is the first synthetic asset protocol on Karura, the DeFi hub of Kusama that is not dependent on a specific parachain. Its integration will open up maximum possibilities for the use of uniform assets in the Kusama ecosystem.


How Taiga Works

Taiga operates on the Stable Asset system, providing extremely efficient trading and low risk through the use of uniform assets with close value pegs, offering the following capabilities:

Function Description
Stable Swap A highly efficient liquidity pool for exchange
Stable Asset A synthetic asset backed by a basket of assets with the same value peg (e.g., Taiga's "taiKSM" backed by KSM and LKSM)

Synthetic assets can be used in a wide range of cases (e.g., as collateral, for liquidity bootstrapping, cross-parachain transfers), while maintaining the advantages of the underlying assets (e.g., yield from liquid staking, rewards for participating in crowdloans).

Karura offers a suite of financial applications, including a trustless staking derivative (liquid KSM), a multi-collateralized stablecoin (kUSD), and an AMM DEX (Karura Swap). Taiga is integrated into the Karura ecosystem, providing DeFi primitives in the form of highly usable synthetic assets.

Fascinated by the architecture of the Polkadot infrastructure and the development of its ecosystem, they were pleased to discover that they shared a common vision with the Acala and Karura teams in providing open financial services using advanced blockchain technologies.

As recipients of the Web3 Open Grant and the Acala Ecosystem Grant, the team can utilize technical, financial, and marketing resources to promote Taiga's debut in the Kusama ecosystem.

Benefits of taiKSM

taiKSM is the first synthetic KSM on Kusama, created from KSM and LKSM. Taiga is ready to accept requests to liquidate positions in liquidity pools and improve the usability of KSM and many other types of homogeneous assets (e.g., stablecoins, BTC, ETH).

Benefits of taiKSM:

  • Liquidity providers contributing LKSM and/or KSM to the taiKSM pool experience minimal impermanent loss
  • taiKSM can be used as collateral to issue kUSD, while still retaining the underlying rewards obtained from liquid staking and/or participation in crowdloans
  • Traders can benefit from low slippage in trading KSM pairs supported by the taiKSM pool
  • The common liquidity pool of taiKSM can be directed to pair with the project team's native token to help bootstrap LP pools and generate trading fees

In conclusion, taiKSM represents a significant step forward in the DeFi ecosystem, providing users with a unique opportunity to participate in Kusama staking without having to give up the liquidity of their assets.

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