• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is CryptoPunks?

CryptoPunks – 10,000 of collectible characters with a unique ownership. All of them are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. CryptoPunks - virtual characters with an unusual appearance, that players can buy and sell in the CryptoPunks market.


CryptoPunks dapps

Description of the CryptoPunks platform

Images on the CryptoPunks platform include faces of all shapes, colors and styles. CryptoPunks uses Ethereum as a cryptocurrency. On the game’s website, you can determine which punks were bought and which are available for sale or at auction. Punks with a purple background have an active bet. Those, depicted on a red background, are available for sale, and on a blue background - were purchased. At the moment, most punk’s price - for about 1 ether ($320 USD).


Average punk price 0,53 ETH ($58,44 USD).
The total value of all sold punks 1 985,03 ETH ($217 520,00 USD).

Since CryptoPunks has the Ethereum base, you can easily buy and sell punks through the MetaMask (or Mist). In both cases, you will need Ether to purchase.

The easiest way to use CryptoPunks:

  1. Download and install the MetaMask plugin for the Chrome browser. This will allow websites to access your Ethereum account.
  2. If you created a new account, buy some ether. The MetaMask plugin has a button that allows you to buy ether from Coinbase.
  3. After installing the plugin, this website will recognize it and add buttons that allow you to place bets, buy and sell punks right in the interface.

A more complicated option is to download and install the Mist application, which is basically a web browser for Ethereum applications. Wait until the entire blockchain sync with your computer. Next, you need to get some ether. To do this, there is a button in Mist that allows you to buy it directly in CoinBase. Open Mist and download the website, click the authorization icon in the upper right corner. Now you can buy and sell punks.

Differences between the project and other dapp games

CryptoPunks - 24x24 images, created algorithmically. Most guys and girls look like punks, but there are more rare types: monkeys, zombies, strange aliens.

Each punk has its own profile page, which shows the characteristics and status of the owner.CryptoPunks

Ethereum allows you to save the results of completed actions permanently. There is no longer any control over the code that runs CryptoPunks. This system became built-in and anyone can’t change it.

Developers don’t provide White Paper and Road Map. However, on the main page of the site there is a section "News", where various articles about the project and innovations are published. There are no giveaways here, but sometimes there are promotions for the purchase of characters. You can find out about this on the store page. The project doesn’t have its own token, all work is carried out with the ETH currency.

The safety is ensured by the work of smart contracts. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your assets. Characters can’t be stolen or destroyed. In addition, users can always be sure of the honesty and transparency of the platform, thanks to the open source code.

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