• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Curve?

Curve - an exchange-based liquidity pool in Ethereum. It is designed for efficient trading in stablecoins. The platform provides low risk and additional commission income for liquidity providers at no additional cost. The service provides the ability to trade between DAI and USDC, using a special algorithm with low slippage and low commission, designed specifically for stablecoins.


  1. What is Curve?
  2. How to trade Curve?
  3. More about dapp application

curve платформа

What is Curve?

Curve - a resource that is powered by Ethereum and was created to trade certain types of low risk coins efficiently. The easiest way to understand what a service is like - to think of it as an exchange. Its main purpose - to enable the exchange of stablecoins with low rates and low slippage. The resource itself has nothing to do with storing your assets. Also, one of its main advantages is the absence of commissions or other additional costs. Smart contracts have been audited, which confirms their fairness. And using the service as an exchange platform reduces risks significantly. This makes it possible to work with such coins as:

  • DAI;
  • USDC;
  • USDT;
  • TUSD;
  • BUSD;
  • sUSD.

You can also deposit ERC20s bitcoins in leases and pools.

How to trade Curve?

Before starting trading, you will need to connect your personal wallet to Curve to interact with your balance. Further, you need to follow several steps to start trading:

Step 1 On the exchange page, select the asset you want to convert
Step 2 Indicate the number of coins that you want to give or receive.
Step 3 After reviewing the exchange rate and the amount of coins you will receive, including any slippage and fees, complete the exchange.

Currently, the commission for all pools - 0.04% and all this goes to liquidity providers. There is no administration fee, which is directly reflected in attractive prices.

The exchange rate might surprise you - that's the power of Curve. Curve

Moreover, if you want to earn extra money, you have such an opportunity. To do this, you need to transfer any coin to a cToken or yToken. Until you withdraw them, you will receive interest. However, you can always withdraw the balance. To do this, go to the output page and follow the prompts to complete the operation.

More about dapp application/strong>

In order to get acquainted with all functionality of the platform, users need to go to the official website of the company, since the resource does not have WhitePaper. In addition, you can subscribe to a Twitter or Telegram channel and stay up to date with the latest news.

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