• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is Sorare?

Sorare — an Ethereum blockchain football game, where you can play with official cards and earn prizes every week. Collect limited-edition digital collectibles, manage your team and get rewards.


A brief description of the game Sorare

The blockchain card is a digital collector's copy that is attractive in short supply (fixed issue). In addition, the Blockchain card is in free trade and can be used in various applications and games.

Unlike other blockchains, such as Bitcoin or Ether, blockchain cards are unique. They can be considered as limited edition works of art.Sorare

Sorare card is a specific type of the blockchain card. It represents the soccer player and the football season. In the 2019-2020 season, there are three deficit levels for each card:

  • Unique;
  • Super Rare (10 copies);
  • Rare (100 copies).

The less often the card, the stronger it is in the game. Cards can get XP over time and become more powerful. In addition, all cards in the game are officially licensed. SO5 is the first game on the project. SO5 is a fantasy football, where you can make up your team of 5 participants and collect score cards, depending on the performance of players in real football matches. All you need - to get more powerful divisions to win the best prizes.

Beginning of the game

When you enter the game for the first time, you will receive 10 community cards for studying the game and registering in the Beginners League. The Rookie League is open to you for 4 gaming weeks. The option of joining the Rookie League will disappear after 4 single participation. After 4 weeks, you will be upgraded from Rookie Manager to New Manager! You can win additional cards or get them on the transfer market. There are currently 3 leagues where you can study:

All Star League It consists of 4 Divisions, in which you can play with any combination of cards (Unique, Super Rare and Rare).
Under 23 League Also contains 4 Division, where you can play with any combination of cards (Unique, Super Rare and Rare).
Training League Contains 4 units in which you can play with any combination of cards (Unique, Super Rare and Rare).

Each Sorare card has a unique level of desirability and, as a result, value for different people (player, serial number, nationality, club). Instead of White Paper, developers describe the entire game process in the "FAQ" section. Here are the rules that will help you navigate the game. The audit of the smart contract was not conducted. Also, at the moment, there is no active referral system. From social networks, the creators have a telegram channel, twitter, instagram and blog on the Medium site.

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