• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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A3: Still Alive

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What is A3: Still Alive?

A3: Still Alive — a crypto game, developed by Netmarble N2. INETRIUM will be implemented in many new games, including A3 Global. Users can exchange game goods on INETRIUM and use it without restrictions (store, exchange, buy and sell) outside the game.


A3: Still Alive - dapp.expert

About A3: Still Alive

A3: Still Alive — Netmarble's latest MMORPG that challenges players to save the world from a cult plot to destroy everything while transforming their character from aspiring fighter to a champion who cuts his way through enemies. A3: Still Alive is a cross-genre mobile experience, set in an apocalyptic fantasy world of swords and sorcery that combines vast and vibrant open-world RPG worlds with extreme combat.


1 INETRIUM — a utility token on MBX.
2 Users can trade in-game items on INETRIUM and freely store, trade, buy and sell them outside of the game via MBX.

As part of the MABLEX platform, led by Netmarble Corporation, INETRIUM will provide long-term and sustainable value. Through INETRIUM, users can freely trade various in-game items on the blockchain system and receive P2E values, related to the real world. The most important factor - the development, management and release of new games that more and more users can enjoy.

A3 — the very first game, integrated into the INETRIUM blockchain, which means that it is the only game in the world where you can get INETRIUM.A3: Still Alive

You can use INETRIUM not only for P2E but many other game features, including the Soul Runner, which is a very attractive vehicle, top notch weapons like the Relic and more. In addition, from a platform perspective, developments are currently underway in various areas such as value creation through staking.

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For those of you who play A3 for the first time, the developers have added a special feature, called "Inetreon Express". Anyone can start at level 160 and purchase the standalone Premium Inetrion Express if you want to grow faster. Once you reach level 190, you will be able to enter the Inetrion Dungeon to get ore and process it into INETRIUM.

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