• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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What is WEMIX?

Wemix - a blockchain-based global gaming platform, developed by Wemade Tree Pte. Ltd, which is a subsidiary of WEMADE as its flagship blockchain gaming services division.


  1. How WEMIX application dapp works
  2. Blockchain game economics
  3. Additional information about the Klaytn project

WEMIX dapp

How does the WEMIX work?

WEMADE - a gaming company that has been in the gaming market for over 20 years and is publicly traded on the Kosdaq (Korea Stock Exchange). The company owns over 40 famous gaming IPs, including ChuanQi, the legendary AAA game in China with over 500 million users.

Wemade Tree is currently developing the IDLE RPG blockchain and other mobile games from WEMADE IP such as ChuanQi and many more. Also, in the near future, games from third-party developers will appear in Wemix. WEMIX

For mass adoption, Wemade Trees have partnered with Kakao blockchain company "Ground X" to provide joint management participation. Following the partnership, Kline joins Wemix as a Block partner. The block partner manages the node, generates blocks and makes an important management decision.

Blockchain game economics

The game uses 4 currencies. All currencies have their own purpose and help players to enjoy the game:

  • gold;
  • ruby;
  • golden key;
  • tornado.

Like others, gold is the most common currency in this game. How to get gold:

  • gold can be obtained by completing a stage or completing the game during the game;
  • you can either watch an ad or spend a ruby to complete a scene to get gold and experience (max 3 times);
  • while playing a stage, you may have a random chance to get gold, experience or skills from the clearing reward;
  • a lot of gold and experience are available in the boss mode;
  • you can spend TORNADO to buy a Ruby or Gold package to get gold;
  • can be obtained as a reward for completing a task;
  • Receive the Daily Ad watch 10 times for the reward.

Ruby - another currency that can be used more often, like buying a character, passive double enhancement or reviving. How to get a ruby:

Advertising Ruby can be obtained as a stage boss net reward by watching ads.
Accident While playing on stage, you may have a random chance to gain gold, experience or skills from the clearing reward.
Tasks You can get a ruby as a reward for completing a quest.
Boss Large gold, experience and ruby are available in boss mode.

You can also spend TORNADO to buy a ruby. The Golden Key - a special currency, used in the Lucky Chance game. The player has a chance to win gold and a tornado token in Lucky Chance. TORNADO - a cryptocurrency for games on the WEMIX platform. It can help to buy special packages or to summon a character in the store. TORNADO - a fungible currency that will also be used in Cryptornado for WEMIX.

Additional information about the Klaytn project

For more information, contact technical support on Twitter or the company's Telegram channel. They will help you to solve your problem and you will also find out about the upcoming updates, terms of promotions and contests.

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