• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Giorgi Kostiuk

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What is CryptoBlades?

CryptoBlades — an RPG nft gaming, developed by Riveted Games, powered by Binance Smart Chain and OKExChain. The game revolves around acquiring legendary Blades and powerful Heroes to wield. Players can engage in combat, using their assets to earn SKILL tokens. Assets - player-owned NFTs, minted in the ERC-721 standard that can be traded on a closed market.



Description of the CryptoBlades platform

CryptoBlades' vision - for gamers to regain control of their digital assets, play to make money and accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology into their daily lives. Mission - to provide an engaging and rewarding experience for gamers, build a healthy and passionate community around blockchain gaming and build a Play-To-Earn ecosystem to meet the needs of gamers around the world.

CryptoBlades uses a Play-to-Earn model, distributing Skill through gameplay and adding value to NFT players by increasing their usage through future features. NFTs can be freely traded on the SKILL token marketplace, which can be traded on exchanges or converted to fiat currency. Skill - the national currency for CryptoBlades. Players use Skill to purchase characters, forge and reforge weapons, and buy and sell them on the CryptoBlades marketplace.

Currently, the player has the following earning options:

1 Participation in combat by using NFT characters and weapons for Skill.
2 Create characters and weapons and sell them for Skill on the marketplace.
3 Exchanging NFTs with other crypto game players for BEP-20 Tokens.

To start playing CryptoBlades, you need a Binance Smart Chain and OKExChain compatible wallet like MetaMask and BNB to help to buy SKILL and pay gas tolls. MetaMask can be installed as a browser extension or as an app on your mobile devices.

Safety of using crypto game dapp

CryptoBlades has 99.99% uptime under a service level agreement with Netlify and ensures the smooth creation and deployment of any feature, hosted on the website, as well as a website usability for all players. DDOS attacks can disrupt market relations and leaderboard data, but being on the blockchain ensures that assets are always safe and the game is always playable. You can get more information about the project through a special introductory document. It has everything related to the development of the site. RoadMap will appear in the future.

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