• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M
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Magic Eden

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Biggest Crypto Heist: $1.46 Billion Pulled from BybitSuspicious transfer of $1.46 billion from Bybit marks the largest theft in crypto history.
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What is Magic Eden?

Magic Eden — a community driven company. To prove their commitment to the community, the team gave away the Magic Ticket, their own collection, to over 30,000 users. Having a Magic Ticket gives holders access to the DAO.


Magic Eden - creation of unique NFTs

About Magic Eden

Magic Eden – a decentralized application (DApp), built on the Solana blockchain. It allows users to create and manage NFTs on the blockchain. These NFTs can be used for a variety of purposes, including digital collectibles and gaming assets. Magic Eden is available as a mobile app for IOS or Android.

One of the best additions to the platform - the STEPN app, which is a move-to-earn running app. On the Magic Eden NFT marketplace, you can buy NFT sneakers, which you will later use in the STEPN app to earn money.MagicEden

Registration for Magic Eden begins with the creation of a crypto wallet. Phantom is considered the most popular and convenient. You need to go to the official website and install a browser extension, or an application for IOS or Android. To buy NFT in the window that opens, select the "Buy Now" or "Make an Offer" button. The second button allows you to offer the seller a lower price. The minimum offer price must be at least 50% of the listing price.

You can promote your NFT collection, using the built-in launchpad. Just upload your NFTs and launchpad will automatically take care of the rest. To do this, fill out the form:

  • Project name.
  • Twitter link and number of followers.
  • Expected minting date.
  • The number of tokens in the collection.
  • Discord ID and link to the server.
  • E-mail address.
  • Long-term goals.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Team description.
  • Sources of investment.

To sell NFTs from your collection, select the desired token in your account and click the "Place" button. Specify the price in SOL tokens and put it up for sale.

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Developers offer creators the most liquidity, holding over 90% market share for secondary trading volume on some blockchains and controlling shares on others.

Launchpad - an exclusive coin minting platform. 3% of all Launchpad applications are accepted and only the best projects are submitted:

1. the largest exposure and the widest coverage.
2. the largest potential for secondary trading volume after the mint.
3. hassle-free mining with dedicated development support.

Collaborate with the project by launching your own marketplace or mint by using available technologies. Raydium's NFT Marketplace, Okay Bears Marketplace and Exodus Mobile Wallet NFT Marketplace are powered by Magic Eden.

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Important disclaimer: The information presented on the Dapp.Expert portal is intended solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an investment recommendation or a guide to action in the field of cryptocurrencies. The Dapp.Expert team is not responsible for any potential losses or missed profits associated with the use of materials published on the site. Before making investment decisions in cryptocurrencies, we recommend consulting a qualified financial advisor.