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Axie Origin Season 8 Postseason Begins with Fresh Features and Thrilling Events

Axie Origin Season 8 Postseason Begins with Fresh Features and Thrilling Events

May 23, 2024

Axie Origin Season 8 Postseason introduces the Elite 8 Tournament, new Axies Bard and Machito, balance updates, and significant changes to SLP rewards, offering an exciting and balanced experience for players.

Following the end of the Season 8 Final Era, players can now look forward to the Elite 8 Tournament and the introduction of new Axies, along with significant game updates aimed at enhancing the overall experience.

Elite 8 Tournament and New Axies

A major highlight of the postseason is the Elite 8 Tournament, scheduled for May 25 at 7 PM PH / 7 AM EST. This highly anticipated event will feature the top eight players of Season 8 competing for a share of the 3,000 AXS prize pool. Fans can watch the live tournament and participate in a giveaway, with 600 Axies available to win during the broadcast.

Additionally, two new Axies, Bard and Machito, are joining the game. Bard, a free-spirited musician from the forests of Lunacia, and Machito, a playful performer who fiercely protects his team, bring fresh strategies and adventures to Axie Origin. These new characters promise to enrich the gameplay experience for all players.

Axie Origin gameplay

Balancing Updates and SLP Reward Modifications

As Axie Origin moves into Season 9, a new balance patch will be rolled out to refine various game statistics and mechanics, aiming to create a fair and competitive playing field. This update will also feature a trial period for Runes and Charms, where players can experiment with new versions while the effects from Season 8 are temporarily disabled.

Axie Origin Season 8 Postseason

Moreover, significant revisions to SLP rewards are imminent. Throughout the preseason, players across different ranks will receive varying amounts of SLP, designed to help maintain a 2% deflation rate for the in-game currency. These adjustments are intended to ensure the game's economy remains sustainable and well-balanced.


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