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Chimpzee NFT Passports Launch

Apr 29, 2024

The recent release of Chimpzee NFT Passports offers holders a chance to participate in a wildlife conservation project with various benefits and exclusive promotions that include the opportunity to win multiple prizes, including a $10,000 USDT top prize.

Chimpzee initiated the NFT Passports and has already burned over 300 million CHMPZ tokens. Utilizing CHMPZ tokens to purchase the NFT Passports will result in the elimination of around 5 billion tokens from the circulating supply.

The anticipation surrounding the NFTs, combined with the token burn event, is expected to stimulate a significant price surge for CHMPZ tokens in the coming months of April and May. This endeavor targets long-term users seeking value appreciation and ecosystem utility, alongside leveraging tokenomics through the token burn event.

Reducing the token supply can lead to price appreciation within a productive ecosystem.

The Potential of Chimpzee NFT Passports

Chimpzee NFT Passports are considered one of the most sought-after NFT collections of 2024 due to their valuable wildlife conservation mission. They possess both collectible and utility value, providing holders with a range of benefits depending on the NFT tier.

While it remains early to determine if Chimpzee will attain the heights of Cryptopunks or Autoglyphs, the project stands out due to its high growth potential driven by its core focus on crypto incentivization dedicated to wildlife conservation and climate action.

Three Pillars of Chimpzee Ecosystem

Chimpzee's ecosystem encompasses three utility pillars that sustain token demand and overall project viability.

The first pillar is the Shop-to-earn platform, where CHMPZ serves as the primary currency. Additionally, users buying branded merchandise like t-shirts and bags from the platform will receive reward points in CHMPZ tokens. As the demand for CHMPZ tokens grows, their value in the real world will also increase, making buying merchandise from Chimpzee rewarding.

The ecosystem also includes other methods of earning CHMPZ rewards through the NFT trading marketplace and play-to-earn game, both offering unique reward mechanisms based on user participation.

Token Burns, Staking, Philanthropy, and Real-world Impact

Token burns play a vital role in supporting Chimpzee's price action by periodically reducing supply to maintain robust token pricing. Staking serves a similar purpose in limiting short-term supply and discouraging sell-offs, rewarding stakers with up to 40% staking APY.

Chimpzee also contributes 10% of its token supply toward charitable causes globally, focusing on wildlife regeneration and protection, underlining the project's real-world significance in wildlife conservation efforts.

These initiatives enhance Chimpzee's appeal both as a cryptocurrency and an NFT collection, setting a new standard in impactful crypto projects addressing tangible global issues.

How to Purchase Chimpzee NFT Passports

Chimpzee NFT Passport sales will be conducted in CHMPZ tokens, with all tokens used for purchases being burnt.

To acquire CHMPZ tokens and explore the project further, visit the official Chimpzee website. For updates on the launch process and purchasing instructions, stay informed by following Chimpzee on social media platforms.


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