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Ethereum Foundation Transfers 35,000 ETH to Kraken

Aug 24, 2024
  1. Reasons for the Transfer
  2. Community Reaction
  3. Future Plans

Ethereum Foundation (EF) Executive Director Aya Miyaguchi clarified the move amid widespread speculation.

Reasons for the Transfer

Miyaguchi explained that the transfer was part of routine treasury management activities necessary to fund the foundation's annual budget. According to her, this transaction is not tantamount to a sale. The foundation operates on an annual budget of around $100 million, largely spent on grants and salaries. Given that some recipients can only accept payments in fiat currency, some of the foundation’s assets must be converted.

Community Reaction

Earlier this year, regulatory uncertainties delayed key treasury activities, preventing EF from acting sooner or sharing plans in advance. However, despite Miyaguchi's explanations, the community has experienced discussions. A report from analytics firm Arkham, which first reported on the massive transfer, suggested that EF might be liquidating funds to cover operational costs, sparking contradictions.

Future Plans

Miyaguchi assured that future sales would be planned and executed gradually to avoid similar community unrest. This caused a kind of reassurance among the community members; however, they will keep an eye on the foundation's future actions.

Thus, the transfer of 35,000 ETH to Kraken is part of the planned asset management by the Ethereum Foundation, aimed at ensuring timely funding of the foundation's budget. Aya Miyaguchi's explanations are intended to dispel speculation about possible asset sales.


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