Koni Stack and Mythical Games have announced the launch of 'Football Rivals', a new game designed to popularize the Polkadot ecosystem among Telegram users.
Football Rivals: A Breakthrough in Blockchain Gaming
The 'Football Rivals' game represents an exciting blend of gameplay and statistics, launched thanks to Koni Stack's proprietary mini-app SDK. Participants use player stat cards to compete for MYTH rewards on the Mythos Chain, making it an easy entry point into the blockchain world for billions of Telegram users.
Partnership Between Koni Stack and Mythical Games
Partnering with the renowned company Mythical Games, known for over 6 million players, helps Koni Stack expand access to blockchain gameplay on Telegram. By utilizing the power of Polkadot along with Koni Stack's innovative technologies, it ensures a simple and accessible transition into the Web3 ecosystem. "We are thrilled to collaborate with Mythical Games to enhance the user experience," said [Hieu Dao, CEO of SubWallet and Koni Stack].
Prospects and Future Developments
Through Telegram, 'Football Rivals' will be able to attract billions of new users to decentralized platforms. The combined use of the platform and the scalability and interoperability of Polkadot make this game a significant tool for promoting blockchain technologies to the masses. "We aim to offer users access to blockchain games with unique opportunities," stated [John Linden, CEO of Mythical Games].
The 'Football Rivals' project opens a new chapter for engaging users in the Polkadot ecosystem via Telegram and can significantly increase network activity.