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FSIC Leads Daily NFT Sales on Bitcoin

Aug 30, 2024
  1. Fractal Specific Integrated Circuit (FSIC)
  2. Ordinal Maxi Biz (OMB)
  3. Other Top Collections

A new non-fungible token (NFT) collection, Fractal Specific Integrated Circuit (FSIC), has emerged on the Bitcoin blockchain. This collection has quickly gained popularity, becoming the leader in NFT trading volume.

Fractal Specific Integrated Circuit (FSIC)

Launched earlier this week, Fractal Specific Integrated Circuit (FSIC) is an Ordinal collection featuring a limited edition of 3,800 Fractal Bitcoin blocks. The new collection blends Ordinals, Fractal, RWA, and DePin into an innovative project in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Over the past 24 hours, the FSIC collection has amassed a trading volume of $900,673, up by 1000% from the previous day.

Ordinal Maxi Biz (OMB)

Ordinal Maxi Biz, a collection with a fixed supply of 5,141 images inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain, is the second best-selling collection today. Each inscription is hand-drawn, featuring a sketch of a head with a distinctive eye color trait based on the block it was inscribed on. Over the past 24 hours, OMB has seen trading sales of $313,486, up 15% from the previous day.

Other Top Collections

[{'subtitle': 'NodeMonkes NFT Collection', 'quote': None, 'text': 'NodeMonkes, a non-fungible token collection with a limited edition of 10,000 NFTs created using the ordinal protocol, is the third best-selling Ordinal collection in the Bitcoin ecosystem today. Over the past 24 hours, the NodeMonkes collections logged a trading volume of $217,837, down by 30% from the previous day.'}, {'subtitle': 'Quantum Cats NFT Collection', 'quote': None, 'text': 'Quantum Cats, an Ordinal collection consisting of 3333 cat images minted using the Bitcoin Ordinal standard, is the fourth most-traded NFT collection in the Bitcoin NFT ecosystem. Over the past 24 hours, Quantum Cats collections amassed a trading volume of $205,712, up by 7.33% from the previous day.'}, {'subtitle': 'Runestone Ordinal Collection', 'quote': None, 'text': 'Runestone, an ordinal collection from crypto investor and NFT influencer Leonidas featuring a limited supply of 112,000 NFTs, is the fifth best-selling collection in the Bitcoin NFT market today. Over the past 24 hours, the Runestone collection recorded trading sales of $173,995.'}]

The FSIC collection is rapidly gaining popularity, already leading the NFT market. Other collections like Ordinal Maxi Biz and NodeMonkes continue to attract attention and increase their trading volumes.


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