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Indonesia Ranks 12th in the List of Countries with the Largest Cryptocurrency Ownership in the World

Sep 23, 2024
  1. Asia's Dominance in the Crypto World
  2. Factors Driving Crypto Adoption in Indonesia and Asia
  3. The Future of Crypto Adoption in Indonesia

In recent updates, Indonesia has reached the 12th position in the list of countries with the largest cryptocurrency ownership in the world in 2024. According to the latest report from the digital payment service provider Triple A, focusing on cryptocurrencies, 13.9% of the country's population now own cryptocurrency assets.

Asia's Dominance in the Crypto World

In 2024, Asia recorded remarkable growth in cryptocurrency ownership with a total of more than 326.8 million owners. This figure represents a 21.8% increase compared to the previous year, making Asia the continent with the highest number of cryptocurrency owners in the world. Of the total 562 million global cryptocurrency owners, Asia contributes a significant portion, placing our country among the leading nations in the growth of cryptocurrency ownership. Several other Asian countries also recorded significant figures in crypto ownership. The UAE topped the list with a 25.3% ownership rate, followed by Singapore at 24.4%. Countries such as Thailand (17.6%), Vietnam (17.4%), and Saudi Arabia (15%) also made it to the list of countries with high cryptocurrency adoption. Meanwhile, Malaysia and Hong Kong recorded a 14.3% ownership rate, slightly above Indonesia's. Not only in Asia, but cryptocurrency ownership also significantly increased in other continents. South America recorded the highest growth with a 116.5% increase, reaching 55.2 million cryptocurrency owners in 2024. Meanwhile, North America saw a 38.6% increase, with 72.2 million owners in total. Europe and Africa also showed positive growth with a 60.3% and 8.5% increase, respectively.

Factors Driving Crypto Adoption in Indonesia and Asia

There are several factors driving the growth of cryptocurrency adoption in Indonesia and Asia. Firstly, clearer and supportive regulations have been a primary catalyst. Governments in various Asian countries, including Indonesia, have provided clearer guidelines regarding cryptocurrency transactions, giving investors a sense of security. Additionally, the use of cryptocurrency as a faster and more efficient payment method has attracted public interest, especially for cross-border transactions. Blockchain technology also serves as a significant appeal for those seeking transparency and security in transactions. One interesting factor is the role of centralized crypto exchanges in driving cryptocurrency adoption in Asia, particularly in East Asia. These exchanges contribute approximately 65% of the total value of crypto transactions received in the region. The large volume of transfers between institutions and major private investors has established East Asia as a primary hub for large-scale professional crypto transactions.

The Future of Crypto Adoption in Indonesia

The growth of cryptocurrency ownership in Indonesia is expected to continue increasing with clearer regulations and growing public understanding of blockchain technology and the benefits of cryptocurrencies. People seeking alternative investment options and more efficient payment methods tend to be more open to using cryptocurrencies in daily life. With a significant potential for growth, Indonesia has the chance to improve its ranking in the global list of countries with the largest cryptocurrency ownership. Government support, public education, and technological development will be key factors in determining how quickly cryptocurrency adoption will progress in our country in the future.

Given the mentioned factors, Indonesia has every chance to continue its growth in the cryptocurrency sphere, approaching leading countries in crypto asset ownership. With continued government support and public education efforts, the potential for positive changes remains significant.


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