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Ripple Challenges SEC’s Regulatory Approach in Ongoing Legal Battle

Ripple Challenges SEC’s Regulatory Approach in Ongoing Legal Battle

Jul 3, 2024

In the ongoing legal dispute between Ripple Labs and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a new chapter has unfolded as Ripple recently filed a Supplemental Authority Notice. This notice was submitted to Judge Analisa Torres on July 2, 2024, aiming to support Ripple's opposition against the SEC's plea for a resolution and final judgment. Ripple highlights a recent legal triumph by Binance to assert that the SEC's regulatory methodology is insufficient and that resorting to legal cases to govern the cryptocurrency sphere results in inconsistent outcomes.

Ripple’s Assertions

Ripple underscores in its submission that cryptocurrencies do not neatly align with the conventional securities framework known as the Howey Test. The filing, spanning seven pages, stresses that the SEC's reliance on enforcement measures as opposed to clear regulatory frameworks fosters ambiguity among market participants and leads to unpredictable legal construals.

Ripple's primary strategy revolves around compelling the SEC to reassess its regulatory approach within the cryptocurrency sector.

SEC’s Countermoves and the Legal Trajectory Ahead

The SEC is projected to counter Ripple's notice by citing its triumph in the Terraform Labs case. In this particular instance, Judge Rakoff decreed that Terraform Labs and its founder, Do Kwon, transgressed U.S. securities statutes by failing to register TerraUSD and Luna as securities.

This judgment might serve as a precedent supportive of the SEC's position against Ripple. Furthermore, Judge Rakoff raised doubts about the Programmatic Sales classification of XRP, hinting that Judge Torres might have made an error in her verdict concerning XRP's classification.

The resolution of this case carries significant repercussions for XRP's valuation and the wider cryptocurrency market. A favorable outcome for Ripple could trigger a notable surge in XRP's value, whereas a win for the SEC could result in a depreciation in XRP's price.

XRP’s Market Outlook

Presently, XRP's market performance displays a modest uptick of 0.5%, elevating its trading price to $0.4792 and its market capitalization to $26.68 billion. Nonetheless, this upturn falls short of the recent peak of $0.52, influenced by speculations surrounding the endorsement of an Ethereum ETF.

As the legal proceedings persist, stakeholders ranging from legal professionals to market participants will vigilantly monitor the final verdict. The adjudication of this case could establish a pivotal precedent regarding the future regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies.


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