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Understanding Theocratic Capture - AI World Insights

Jun 5, 2024

Understanding Theocratic Capture

In the domain of artificial intelligence (AI), a distinct divide exists between two factions: the effective accelerationists (e/acc) pushing for rapid advancement and the decelerators (decels) resorting to doomsday scenarios to secure control over AI. This ideological tug-of-war unfolds through a series of strategic maneuvers.

Strategies for Ideological Domination in AI

  1. Neurotic Priesthood: Expert figures exhibiting neurotic tendencies instigate fear through secular prophecies of doom.

  2. Collaborative Bureaucracy: The bureaucratic hierarchy, particularly government entities, align with pseudo-experts to wield fear as a tool for justifying their dominion over AI.

  3. Fabricated Emergencies: Manufacturing crises, both groups advocate for government supremacy over the pivotal AI technology.

  4. Drive for Control: While control is a common motive, neurotic priests showcase pronounced neuroticism underpinning their ideological assertions.

Identifying the Priest In The Arena (PITA)

Priests In The Arena (PITAs) employ theocratic capture tactics to assert control with demands that remain perpetually unsatisfiable, ensuring ongoing ideological dominance.

  • Narcissistic Traits: PITAs often exhibit high levels of narcissism, driven by a quest for institutional control disguised under noble ideals like 'empathy' and 'equality'.

  • Moral Posturing: Claiming moral superiority, PITAs strive to establish dominance by projecting unearned moral ascendancy.

Unraveling Theocratic Capture

Theocratic capture represents a cult-like movement demanding authority over a domain, justified by claims of possessing exclusive knowledge on safety and equity.

  • Authoritative Voice: PITAs not only seek visibility but authoritative control, adopting a tone of admonition and censure.

  • Abstract Deception: Employing abstract language and mental acrobatics, PITAs evade precise definitions. Notably, climate alarmists and academic social scientists excel in promoting unfalsifiable claims, akin to religious doctrines.

Loyalty Cultivation and Influence Strategies

PITAs cultivate loyalty by promising followers control over the captured institution, echoing the dynamics of theocratic capture and neoliberal ideologies. In contrast, conservative ideologies face challenges in inspiring allegiance as their appeal often revolves around 'being left in peace'.

Leveraging AGI Concerns

While genuine concerns about AI exist, there's a risk of these apprehensions being exploited by entities driven by control motives. The pattern of leveraging authentic fears for ideological gain, witnessed during crises like the COVID pandemic, persists.

The Influence of Priesthood and Theocratic Control

Drawing parallels to religious structures, 'priests in the arena' utilize theocratic capture strategies, leveraging religion's authority to assert dominance covertly. The allure of unearned authority and loyalty is potent, rendering religion a formidable tool within ostensibly secular movements.


The terminology coined by Venkatesh Rao aptly encapsulates the nuanced power dynamics at play in the AI sector. Distinguishing genuine concerns from manipulative control tactics is critical in navigating the evolving landscape of AI governance.


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