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Industry leaders such as Circle, Coinbase, Consensys, and Hedera are joining forces to create the Crypto ISAC association

Industry leaders such as Circle, Coinbase, Consensys, and Hedera are joining forces to create the Crypto ISAC association

May 30, 2024

On May 29, Crypto ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center) was officially launched — a nonprofit association aimed at enhancing security in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Among its founders are Aleo, Circle, Coinbase, Consensys, Evertas, Fireblocks, Hedera, Kraken, Offchain Labs, Red Balloon Security, Ribbit Capital, Solana Foundation, and Trail of Bits.

The mission of the association — to facilitate collaboration and ease the exchange of critical information among industry participants. The center aims to inform the ecosystem about potential security threats, address vulnerabilities, and disseminate best practices for risk mitigation.

The crypto industry constantly faces security risks, highlighting the importance of reliable information exchange and coordinated security measures at the industry level. Crypto ISAC will focus on five strategic goals:

  1. Creating a Trusted Environment: establishing a secure environment for interaction between private industry players and government bodies, promoting the development of sustainable global crypto asset and blockchain industries, and preventing the misuse of Web3 infrastructure.

  2. Objective Information Sharing: acting as an impartial intermediary, using secure mechanisms and processes for systematic and protected information dissemination.

  3. Managing Information Distribution Quality: enhancing the timeliness, quality, and quantity of disseminated information to provide early warnings about actual or potential incidents and assist members in addressing security issues.

  4. Encouraging Collaboration: conducting joint threat analysis to protect critical crypto assets and blockchain infrastructure, providing contextual, relevant, and actionable information that meets top security standards.

  5. Ensuring Resilience: increasing flexibility and resilience to changes in the threat landscape by improving blockchain protocol capabilities to adapt to new technologies and developing national and international cryptocurrency policies.

Crypto ISAC is led by a team of founders with deep knowledge and experience in the crypto industry, each with a proven track record in developing robust algorithms and security solutions. The involvement of industry experts and government institutions in the committees ensures that all initiatives comply with leading industry practices and standards. To ensure accurate and actionable information on emerging vulnerabilities, all information entered into the shared threat analysis platform is verified and validated by the team of participants.


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