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Mark Cuban Discusses the True Essence of Crypto — Believes It Lacks an App That 'Grandma Would Love to Use'

Mark Cuban Discusses the True Essence of Crypto — Believes It Lacks an App That 'Grandma Would Love to Use'

Oct 29, 2023

During the discussion on Wired’s “Tech Support,” Cuban emphasized the potential of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, indicating that the sector is still in its infancy. The owner of the Dallas Mavericks believes that the right application can catapult crypto into mainstream adoption.

But I do think crypto has some problems. Number one, most people, when they think crypto, they think speculation. That’s not what crypto’s really about.

"Secondly, the essence of crypto lies in developing innovative applications that simplify and enhance our lives," Cuban elaborated.

Drawing a parallel, Cuban mentioned, "Remember when the iPhone was released in 2007? It truly became a game-changer only when top-notch apps like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook became mobile-centric. Similarly, crypto is on the lookout for that pivotal moment, akin to the Instagram phenomenon," asserted the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. He further stressed:

What crypto is missing is that one application that grandma really wants to use.

The tycoon further delved into the topic of NFTs. "In the not-so-distant future, envision using an NFT as your ticket. Today, when a ticket is resold, we don’t see a dime from it. It’s the scalpers who pocket the profits. But if that ticket were an NFT, which is the way things are heading, every subsequent sale could benefit both the initial ticket holder and the team," Cuban elaborated. "This isn’t feasible with tangible tickets or even with standard digital transfers. Only by converting it to crypto or NFTs does this become possible. Once this transformation takes place, we'll witness a rise in crypto value."

The renowned investor from Shark Tank then offered some counsel: "Regarding NFTs, the ideal purchasing moment is when you genuinely appreciate and are passionate about the NFT you’re acquiring." He then warned: 

Don’t buy to speculate. You know what happens to speculators? They get their ass handed to them.

In September, Cuban revealed an incident where his crypto wallet was compromised, leading to a loss of nearly $870,000 in digital assets. Furthermore, he has frequently expressed disapproval of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its stance on crypto regulation. In July, he commented that the SEC had faltered in its regulatory strategies, even going as far as labeling them "presumptuous." He also offered suggestions on how the regulatory body should approach the cryptocurrency sector.


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