The Telegram team has introduced Telegram Stars a new way to pay for digital goods and services within the messenger. This innovation provides developers with unique opportunities to monetize their apps and bots.
On June 6, 2024, Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced the launch of the internal currency Telegram Stars. According to him, these tokens are intended for paying for digital goods and services within the messenger.
Telegram claims that the initiative fully complies with Apple and Google policies on the sale of digital products.
How Telegram Stars Works
According to platform representatives, Telegram Stars simplifies the process of purchasing digital goods and services in Telegram. Developers can accept payments for their products and services in "stars" and then exchange them for cryptocurrency. Users will also be able to use "stars" to donate to content creators.
The company’s blog states that "stars" owners will be able to pay for a wide range of goods and services: from e-books and online courses to in-game items. Telegram Stars can already be tested in @DurgerKingBot.
Telegram has published a detailed guide on how to get started with Telegram Stars. Setting up to receive "stars" can be done in a few simple steps.
Where to Buy Telegram Stars
Users can buy Telegram Stars through in-app purchases in Apple and Google apps or through PremiumBot. To do this, simply open Telegram, find the bot, and make a purchase through the available payment systems.
Exchanging Telegram Stars for Cryptocurrency
Developers receiving Telegram Stars can exchange them for Toncoin (TON) through the Fragment platform. In this way, they can monetize the earned stars and use the funds for further promotion of their apps in Telegram.
Toncoin responded with growth to this messenger initiative.
Can Telegram Stars Be Considered Cryptocurrency?
Telegram Stars are not cryptocurrency. These tokens are not traded anywhere, and developers do not plan to list them on exchanges. They are an internal currency intended for paying for digital goods and services within Telegram. However, as mentioned earlier, "stars" can be exchanged for Toncoin (TON) cryptocurrency.
Telegram Stars provides new opportunities for monetizing digital goods and services within the messenger. With this new currency, users can easily make purchases, and developers can effectively monetize their products and services.