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Ton Open League: Features and Benefits

Jun 27, 2024
Ton Open League: Features and Benefits

Ton Open League — is a rewards program for users, projects, and traders on the TON platform, offering 30 million Toncoin over three months. The program aims to encourage participation in the TON ecosystem by providing various earning opportunities.


Ton Open League: Opportunities and Benefits - news

Main Features of the Ton Open League

Project Tournaments

Each season, a competition among projects is held on the TON platform, where they compete for a prize pool. The basis for determining the winners is their key performance indicators (KPIs). This approach motivates projects to actively develop, improve their services, and attract new users. Participation in such tournaments not only increases the competitiveness of projects but also contributes to their long-term growth and stability.

DeFi Grants and Airdrops

To stimulate innovation and activity in the ecosystem, the Ton Open League offers grants and airdrops. These initiatives are aimed at supporting developers and active participants, which helps create new solutions based on TON. Grants provide financial support for the implementation of promising projects, while airdrops allow rewarding users for their participation and contribution to the development of the ecosystem. This is an important element of the strategy aimed at the sustainable development and prosperity of the entire platform.

Earning from Liquidity

One of the key aspects of participating in the Open League is the opportunity to earn by providing liquidity for TON projects. This includes participating in decentralized exchanges such as and DeDust.

When you provide liquidity, you help improve trading conditions for all market participants, for which you are rewarded with commissions or other bonuses.

This is a great way to make good use of your assets and earn passive income.

Benefits for Participants of the Ton Open League

Attracting New Users

One of the significant benefits for participants is the ability to earn rewards for attracting new users. This not only contributes to personal earnings but also actively supports the growth and development of the TON ecosystem. Attracting new users helps projects expand their audience, increase activity on the platform, and strengthen their position in the community. As a result, the TON ecosystem becomes more dynamic and resilient, and participants receive additional bonuses for their efforts.

Participation in Hackathons

For experts and developers, hackathons are regularly held in the TON ecosystem. These events represent an excellent opportunity to showcase their skills and talents. Participation in hackathons not only allows winning a part of the prize pool but also provides access to additional opportunities within the Open League. Hackathons stimulate innovation, promote knowledge and experience exchange among developers, and help identify and support the most promising projects and ideas.

Liquidity Support

Projects that provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges such as and DeDust receive additional rewards. This is an important aspect of the TON ecosystem's functioning, which helps maintain its stability and growth. Liquidity support contributes to more efficient and stable trading on the platform, benefiting both the projects themselves and all market participants. As a result, the TON ecosystem becomes more attractive to investors and users, which contributes to its further development and strengthening.

The following participation conditions for users can be highlighted:

Category Description
For Beginners Even beginners can start participating in the Open League by choosing a project and entering the competition. Results are evaluated based on KPI growth, providing new participants with an opportunity to make a name for themselves.
For Experts Experts can participate in hackathons and other competitions, allowing them not only to win prizes but also to attract more users to their project.

Ton Open League: Opportunities and Benefits - news

Examples of Successful DeFi Projects

  • DeDust — is a decentralized exchange that attracts attention with its high liquidity and trading convenience. Users can easily and quickly make transactions, making DeDust a popular platform among traders seeking reliable and efficient trading.
  • — another decentralized exchange actively participating in the Open League program. It offers its users a wide range of trading and investment opportunities, as well as liquidity support, making it an important player in the TON ecosystem.
  • EVVA — is a lending protocol that provides users with new features to manage their financial assets. EVVA offers access to modern lending and borrowing tools, making it an attractive choice for both investors and borrowers.

The Ton Open League represents a unique opportunity for developers, traders, and users. Through grants, airdrops, and other rewards, the TON ecosystem aims to create a dynamic and active blockchain environment. These initiatives are directed at the development of innovative solutions and the attraction of new participants, fostering a more sustainable and progressive ecosystem. The Ton Open League inspires and supports active participants, providing them with all the necessary tools for success in the world of decentralized finance.


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