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What is a smart contract

What is a smart contract

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by dapp_writer_sm

2 years ago

A smart contract is a computer program that automatically executes the terms of a contract when specific conditions are met. Smart contracts are typically built on blockchain technology, which allows them to be transparent, secure, and tamper-proof.

Smart contracts can be used in various industries and applications, such as finance, real estate, supply chain management, and more. They are intended to automate complex processes that require trust between parties, eliminate the need for intermediaries, and reduce transaction costs and time.

For instance, a smart contract could be used in a real estate transaction to automatically transfer the ownership of a property to the buyer once the payment is received. The terms of the contract, such as the price, payment date, and conditions of transfer, would be written into the smart contract's code. Once both parties agree to the terms, the contract is executed automatically, and the property ownership is transferred to the buyer.

Overall, smart contracts are designed to provide a secure, transparent, and efficient way to conduct business transactions without the need for intermediaries.



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