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  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
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Ultraverse City

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What is Ultraverse City?

Ultraverse City — a decentralized community-driven platform, visual arts and business project environment on the BSC blockchain, where creators and designers can create and commercialize their NFTs and art experiences, among many other activities.


Ultraverse City

Features of the Ultraverse City project

Ultraverse City — a collective virtual open city, created by the convergence of virtual enriched physical and digital reality. It is physically defined and provides an enhanced diving experience.

Ultraverse City consists of several zones. The land in each zone was valued, based on the distance from the central business towers or the most attractive attractions. The first nine zones, closest to the main tower, could only be obtained through closed sales.

Use the interactive map for a better overview and selection of the desired fragment. For the best experience, you need to connect to the city through your computer or laptop by using the latest Chrome browser and Metamask wallet. Ultraverse City is powered by the Binance Smart Chain network or blockchain and you need to have a BEP20 asset to trade there.

Why should you trust this project:

1. Ultraverse City will not be owned or controlled by any institution or single platform.
2. Ultraverse — a world, where there is no limit to the number of people who can use it at the same time.
3. Everyone in Ultraverse City has access to decentralized virtual assets, powered by cryptocurrencies.

ONCS will be one of the utility tokens there. With ONCS, you can build your business and exchange digital assets such as avatars, virtual clothing, NFTs and even tickets to marketplace event.

Participants can access Ultraverse City through a VR headset, AR glasses or simply through the Chrome browser.UltraverseCity

The mechanism of virtual land in UltraverseCity is the same as real life real estate. Once you buy land or digital property, you can rent it out or resell it.

Concepts that the platform adheres to

Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other blockchain-based digital coins, assets and exchanges will certainly support the exchange of value in the Metaverse. More innovation will be needed as governments, corporations, and new digital-only organizations collaborate to develop robust digital money systems, provide new data monetization offerings and engage in loans, payments, real estate investment and other activities in the Metaverse.

The Metaverse requires interoperability between users and platforms, based on web 3.0 and yet to be defined standards. While interoperability opens up new opportunities for reaching and understanding customers, it also creates new challenges for data collection and protection, as well as cybersecurity and privacy. Companies that provide users with a reliable means to join the Metaverse (either through hardware or software) can gain a competitive advantage.

Security will be critical as the new decentralized digital world could provide attackers with a new universe of attack vectors. Authenticity - and, more broadly, trust - must be prioritized in order to eliminate the deception that often plagues the internet.

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