• Dapps:16.23K
  • Blockchains:78
  • Active users:66.47M
  • 30d volume:$303.26B
  • 30d transactions:$879.24M

Unique One

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What is Unique One?

What is Unique.One?

Unique.One aspires to be a truly decentralised digital art marketplace that supports Artists instead of profiting off them. We are non-profit seeking and have a net-zero fee policy. We believe in supporting Artists and do not charge Artists for creating work.

The ultimate objective for Unique.One is to create a vibrant true decentralised marketplace independently operated by the Digital Art community which will offer new and professional Artists a place to socialise and push their creativity to the limits in a fair and level playing field.

Unique will be governed by a DAO for true decentralisation. In the first phase, we will gather community votes via snapshot. Right now, we have the ratification of the Unique One DAO Governance Proposal. All token holders will be able to vote at governance.unique.one

What is the problem you want to solve?

We saw that most of the NFT Art marketplaces are run as a business and not as a community. They are also charging artists and charging big platform fees. Others are not so open to new artists and run more like a traditional art gallery. We also have a lot of censorship and bans because the administrators of the platform feel like it and this is done without reason. We see it is the worse combination possible, a dictatorship and a corporation. Unique One is the purist response that a pure community-run platform can succeed.

Token Distribution

Dev Funds - 20% DAO Allocation - 20% Creation Mining - 10% Transaction Mining - 10% Volume Mining - 10% Contest Rewards - 10% LP Mining - 10% Bounties - 5% Airdrop - 5%

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