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Uniswap allocates $300,000 for the development of version 4 in order to achieve a KPI of $150 million

Uniswap allocates $300,000 for the development of version 4 in order to achieve a KPI of $150 million

Jan 17, 2024

A decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap is allocating $300,000 to an engineering team to create the v4 interface for launching new programs to create pools and provide liquidity. However, the new version is expected to bring in $150 million for Uniswap.

According to the announcement on January 16, the deployment of Uniswap v4 involves partially covering the "long-tail asset and low-cap token market," which is currently using Uniswap v2. Despite the introduction of Uniswap v3 over two years ago, version 2 still enjoys significant popularity among users, with a Total Value Locked (TVL) of $1.8 billion.

According to the latest data from Dune Analytics, over 90% of new Uniswap pools are still created on V2. developers write. Therefore, Uniswap employees aim to improve the user interface of the future v4 exchange to attract capital.

The grant has a two-year duration and can be extended based on key performance indicators (KPIs). Among these indicators, developers require the grant recipient to achieve "5% of the total TVL of Uniswap within 12 months through tokens launched via the new interface." Currently, 5% of the total TVL of Uniswap amounts to around $150 million. A maximum deviation of 25% from the initial budget will be considered upon request. The project's implementation is scheduled for February 16.

Uniswap is currently one of the largest decentralized exchanges with a total locked value of $4.43 billion and an annual protocol revenue of $940 million. In May 2021, shortly after its launch, Uniswap v3 surpassed Bitcoin in terms of daily fees, with daily revenue exceeding $4.5 million at that time.

On June 13, 2023, Uniswap introduced the code project for DEX version 4 with new features such as autonomous order execution, automatic deposits into lending protocols, and automatic fee accrual to liquidity providers (LP).


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